Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Savannah turns 8 !!

Savannah turned 8 yesterday! She had an awesome party at X-treme Play! All her best friends were there, she had a blast. Her baptism is on Saturday at 10. Grama and Grampa are going to be here tomorrow night, we are so excited!

I'll write more after Saturday!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year!!

New Year! Woo HoOO! Can I get a woo hoo? Ok ok, I am just ready for all the new stuff that this year has in store! Or doesn't have in store for that matter. However ya wanna look at it.

Cami starts school today, she is excited and a little nervous, weren't we all?

Savannah's baptism is Saturday the 19th. She is thrilled that she gets to be baptized on her grandma's birthday, isn't that sweet?

Jerry and I are having our first annual No Trouble Travel "Get Together" this Saturday the 12th. We will be introducing our new travel business to family and friends. I hope that everyone will go to our website and book travel, I know ya'll will be traveling anyway, so why not use our site? You can call us if you have any questions, we have a dedicated line just for travel business, and we are a 24/7 company! That web address is and our phone is (704)859-5972. Call us or leave a comment o this blog and let us know what you think, good or bad, but hopefully good!

Here are some pix I thought you might enjoy!