Thursday, October 11, 2007

Isn't It Halloween Yet?

Oh the Humiliation! Cami bought this little bunny outfit for Maggie. She is dangerous with money and a job, believe me! I thought it was funny and since I don't have any prego pix or new kid pix to put up, I thought I would concentrate on the "Belle of the House", Maggie. She really is a good sport when it comes to dressing up. She takes about all she can, with a few licks to the face to let you know she really loves you but would rather not be dressed up, then she takes off and heads outside. She really is quite quick about the last action mentioned. We now have a "doggie-door" that she is very proficient at using. She races through that thing quicker than you can think "She's gonna hit the door!". She then races through the door with lightening speed and accuracy. When Spike, Ryan's dog was here it was very funny to see the two of them race for the door. Spike was usually a little slower than Maggie and would get under her. I don't know how she managed to not step on him or really get too irritated with him. I think she thought it was a fun game. Sometimes he would miss and hit his head on the edge of the door, or stop right at the door as Maggie goes sailing outside. I have video of it, if there were some way of uploading that somewhere on this thing I would. Although I would have to put a disclaimer on the bottom about wetting your pants and wearing depends when you watch. It should be recommended.

Well, nothing else going on, Ta Ta For Now!



Jordan said...

oh my gosh! that is hysterical! everyone here at work is cracking up. Poor Dog!! :)

Janet said...

Ok, that's it......I'm calling the Humane Society! This MUST be reported! Just've seen the humiliation we put our dogs through. Love ya' and miss ya'!!!

Unknown said...

I love it ! Boy Maggie is a good sport... it reminds me of that e-mail that I got, can't remember from you or Jordan that had about 100 different pictures of different kinds of dogs in costumes
I laughed until I was just sick !

Amy Fletcher said...

Suz, you know I look at these pictures all the time because they crack me up - hope you don't mind, but I sent the Maggie pics to another friend of mine who likes doggies,too. Her dog was Snow White last Halloween (picture a white Bichon Frise in a black Snow White wig, blue cape, etc. Hillarious - but Maggie's bunny outfit is funnier, no - more the looks of humilation on her face!) Are we all evil for doing this to our pets? (Kidding)