Friday, July 27, 2007

Back from Hilton Head!

We had a great time in Hilton Head staying with Cami's friend Louremy! We hit the pool every day, the beach once, shopping twice and para sailing today! I will have a pic of that up later, I had others take the pix because I was afraid I would drop my camera in the water! (A very real reality!) Enjoy the pix!

Monday, July 16, 2007

It's 11:01pm

I am lonely! Cami left for Palmyra today. I miss her! She will come home on Friday, just in time for Jerry and I to go to Columbia, then she will leave again for Hilton Head Sunday after church! Waaaaaaaaaa'>' We won't see her until July 30th! Not fair! booohoooo So, Jerry and I are trying to figure out what to do with our time. We want to go to the beach, ok, I want to go to the beach, Jerry wants to go to the mountains. What to do what to do!? Ideas anyone?

I guess I'll go to bed, but here are some pix of us at our ward luau. I ate Lomi Lomi for the first time, I think I said that right, it was raw salmon and what looked like pico de gallo. I dunno, it was good, slimy but good.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

It's a dang good thing...

that only people who love me see this blog. Then again maybe it's because you see me for who I really am! A nut!

Maggie's New Baby

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mid - July update

Everyone ready for an update? Yee Haw! Savannah and I are watching Cow and Chicken, oh man, what mindless stuff. Anyway, Savannah recovered really well from her surgery. She sleeps like an angel, no waking up, tossing around like she is possessed or anything! We all sleep better now! She is living out the rest of her summer at the pool, and sleepovers with friends. Cami is now with the world of the employed! She is working at X-treme Play! She loves it, who wouldn't? My friend Grace and I went to Happy Cows Farms last weekend. We had so much fun, we bought real milk, fresh cheese and got to see real cows. I really am a city girl.
My Modbe business is really doing well. I love not doing anything and having business just come a callin!

We have been having an excellent summer. I hope you all are having one too.

Live long and be tan!