Monday, July 16, 2007

It's 11:01pm

I am lonely! Cami left for Palmyra today. I miss her! She will come home on Friday, just in time for Jerry and I to go to Columbia, then she will leave again for Hilton Head Sunday after church! Waaaaaaaaaa'>' We won't see her until July 30th! Not fair! booohoooo So, Jerry and I are trying to figure out what to do with our time. We want to go to the beach, ok, I want to go to the beach, Jerry wants to go to the mountains. What to do what to do!? Ideas anyone?

I guess I'll go to bed, but here are some pix of us at our ward luau. I ate Lomi Lomi for the first time, I think I said that right, it was raw salmon and what looked like pico de gallo. I dunno, it was good, slimy but good.


Jordan said...

You guys are so cute at that luau! I have never tried lomi lomi, but slimy can't be good in my book! ;) Did you ever make that sapasui recipe I gave you?

Unknown said...

Sue !

I loved the new pics !
What should you do ? What should you DO ?? Anything you want, you don't have any kids to drive around - I vote for the beach !!

Love ya Suzy Q !