Friday, July 27, 2007

Back from Hilton Head!

We had a great time in Hilton Head staying with Cami's friend Louremy! We hit the pool every day, the beach once, shopping twice and para sailing today! I will have a pic of that up later, I had others take the pix because I was afraid I would drop my camera in the water! (A very real reality!) Enjoy the pix!


Janet said...

Ok, who did the para-sailing?

Jordan said...

Cute pix! It looks like you guys had fun. Man do I miss the beach...

Jordan said...

hey suz! i don't think it's that people didn't take you up on your bet; i think you're the only one that reads my blog! :) According to the chinese zodiac calendar it's a boy. According to Sara it's a girl. That's about all I got betting now! :)